
Time Alone

I've had the week to myself, as my hubby flew to MD to help out a few family members with health issues.  I haven't been alone like this in twenty years, when the hubs was in the Air Force and would travel now and then.  I have to admit, I've loved it.

Everybody needs time alone, to rest a bit, eat what you want, and watch hours of the food network, uninterrupted.  Here's a list of activities I've enjoyed.

1. Eating meals at the sink, from pots and cans. 

2. Realizing, by myself, I don't need a dishwasher.  All week, the dishwasher has contained only two mugs and a fork.

3.  I've done laundry once.  Not even a full load.

4.  Haven't cooked meat all week. 

5.  I finally painted a door we had installed four months ago.

6.  I sewed some new arm chair covers, something I've wanted to do for two years.

7.  I stayed up until midnight if I wanted to.

8.  I slept in 'til 9 a.m. if I wanted to.

9.  I got to the gym more often.

10. I wrote more.

11. I watched You've Got Mail for the twentieth time.  Then I watched Turner and Hooch for the tenth.

12.  I saw this badge on facebook.  I laugh out loud every time I look at it. 

13.  I cleaned the bathrooms. This is easier to do when no one is around.

14.  I vacuumed behind and under the sofa, which I do, like...never.

15.  I cleaned out the 'fridge, which I do, like...never.

16.  I read Jesus Calling daily, instead of twice a month like I've done in the past.

17.  I had time to think.

This isn't to say my husband inhibits me from doing any of these things.  He supports whatever I want to do.  He's a good guy and I like having him around, but people need alone time to process and plan.  When I'm alone, I realize how crazy my life can be.  Most of us just go, go, go, because that's the pace of society these days. 

I'm grateful I've had this week to myself (relatively - I've still helped the folks.)  I think there's a bit of hermit in me.  

Have you ever had a week to yourself?  Were you compelled to vacuum under the sofa and watch Tom Hanks movies?


Shifting Perspective

I've been praying for certain things all my life; change this circumstance, Lord, this person, change me, Lord. I pray the same things over and over, and mostly, nothing changes. It puzzles me.

However, this morning, I read in Jesus Calling that God suggests we stop asking Him to do what we want, and instead look for what He's already doing - and align ourselves with that.  Hmmm.

I thought about that a long time. It took me a while to find things He's doing in the circumstances I'm praying about - because as I just wrote, I really don't see Him at work.  At least, He's not producing the results I want to see.  So, what is He doing, if he's not doing what I'd like Him to do?

What I realized after a while is that my prayers are pretty much about me.  What would make my life easier, my stress lower, my life less aggravating. I do want good things for my loved ones, so my prayers are about wanting peace for people in my life as well.  I believe God wants that for all of us.

But, I mainly just want relief from my own worries and fears. If people would just trust God and live accordingly, I'd have more peace in my own life.  If God would just grab hold of people, and shake 'em up, I'd be happy, because they would see how much they are loved and how much He has planned for them.  And they would want that for themselves. And life would be good.

For some reason, God doesn't seem to operate that way.  He has his own way of doing things, which seems pretty slow to me, because I'm an impatient human. I wonder where He is when people I love are making poor choices. What is He doing in that situation?  I believe God is always pursuing us, so, even in disappointing circumstances, I believe He is present - doing something.

But, only God knows what.

So after today's reading in Jesus Calling, I'm going to start looking for what the Master is doing in the seemingly-nothing-is-happening messes I pray about. I'm determined to find something he's tweaking, even if it's "well, so-and-so didn't get hit by a bus today." I do believe He's always orchestrating events, even though He doesn't share what He's up to with me.

I'm also going to try to be more aware of things He's doing that have nothing to do with my prayers.  I want to see Him work in any capacity, because He puts on the best show.  When I've experienced a "God-thing," my heart is warmed, I grin from ear to ear, and my faith expands.  It reminds me that we have an active God who cares about us.

I cling to that golden promise like this friend is hugging our daughter-in-law. 


Fifteen Shades of REAL Life

This blog site is no longer operational. Currently, this post (My Take on Fifty Shades) is only available at my NEW SITE HERE.  Re-pin this post with its new URL, so you don't lose it! 


A Wake-up Call

I like to think I honor God in all aspects of my life.  I'm pretty clear about how He wants to me live, and I have been for most of my adult life.  Lately, however, I've discovered I've made some choices mindlessly - choices I didn't think God cared much about. And I'm paying for them now.

I'm talking about food choices. I never thought much about my diet, only that I probably ate too much.  Like every woman on the planet, I've had moments of "that's it, I'm getting rid of this extra weight. I'm joining the gym, blah, blah, blah." And I've lost 10 or 15 pounds.  Then I get lazy, and it all comes back.

As I wrote a few weeks ago, in December I had blood work done that showed I have very high blood markers for rheumatoid arthritis.  This was shocking, as I have no swollen or painful joints - just bad blood work. After getting conflicting reports from rheumatologists in my area, I ended up at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. The doc there suggested I start meds right away, because it looks as though RA is coming.

I did tons of research on RA and read a book called The Inflammation Nation, which was completely eye-opening, and changed my thinking on what I've been eating all my life. RA is an inflammatory disease where the immune system is on overdrive. It's constantly on the attack, which eventually destroys joint tissue.  Untreated, or uncorrected, people with RA can end up in wheel chairs.

I'm also reading The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, a book about honoring God and our bodies by getting back on track with food - eating whole foods, real food, and getting the junk and processed food out of our lives.

I well up as I read parts of it because I'm realizing how misguided my eating pattens have been.  I've not been fueling my body, but poisoning it with things like sugar and too many carbs and "white trash" like white rice, white bread, white crackers, and white potatoes. I've simply been a mindless eater.  Not a conscious one.

I'm praying God will change my thinking on this, because RA is caused by inflammation, which is caused by sugar, the wrong kinds of carbs and "white trash." I didn't know much about inflammation.  I'd heard some of these things before, but I didn't have any health issues - until now - so I just figured I was doing OK.

My Mayo doctor told me I have three months to change my diet and see if we can get my blood work back to normal. By the grace of God, I don't have any joint issues yet, and I'm hoping I can turn things around before I do. 

So, I gave away the boxed, processed items in my pantry. The bulk of my grocery bill is now produce.  I have leaves and sprouts popping out of my 'fridge the moment you open its door. I've discovered I like pea shoots, parsnips, bok choy and Japanese sweet potatoes, things I never tried before. I've learned I don't like turnips and will not be buying those again. I try to have some form of kale every day. 

In overhauling my diet, I've realized this is a spiritual journey for me. Eating was an area of my life I never asked God about. Rick Warren sums up the problem in one sentence: Dedicate your body to God.  Period.

If I do that - daily - I will eat properly. I will feed my body with what it needs to stay strong and healthy. The Daniel Plan reminds me that my body does not belong to me. It was purchased at a price, and God gave it to me to use in the service of others. This never hit me so hard as it has recently.  God has given me a wake up call,  and I pray I correct my course. My family is supportive, for which I'm so grateful.

I have not had a life-changing event such as this in many years, and I regret I did not pay attention to my diet 20 years ago.  Thankfully, we have a God who gives us second chances.