

Over the summer, I cleaned out a few closets, cabinets, and cubbies.

I ran across reminders of all the hobbies I've entertained over my adult life. When it comes to crafts, it appears I have a restless (though passionate) heart.

I have pattern of mania and then desertion......

As a young bride in Maryland, I learned cross-stitch. 

I thought it was so beautiful and delicate.  And then I discovered...time-consuming.   After I made samplers and Christmas ornaments, I stitched a large piece for my parent’s 40th anniversary...


I had trouble with repeated knots and eye strain.  I went back to smaller pieces, but soon felt like I'd had enough.  Been there, done that.
Cake decorating came next. 

As siblings and friends became engaged, I learned the art of tubing swirls, roses, leaves, and the power of the star tip.  We were stationed at Bolling Air Force base, and with that came promotions and new assignments.  I made many a “Congratulations” and “Farewell” cake.  

I enjoyed it until I needed more fancy pans, more intricate tips, and more professional icing dyes.  It was too much to store in our tiny apartment.

Today, all that remains of my cake days are a handful of tube tips and my off-set spatula, which is great for making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

When my babies came along, I began to sew. 

Little pullover bibs with stretchy neck holes (a great technique I learned from my sister), elastic waistline pants, and simple sundresses.

As the kids grew older and didn’t want homemade clothes anymore, I sewed for myself, but was never happy with anything enough to wear it.

The arm holes were always too big, and the crotch never fit.  Not only that, zippers were hard to get straight, and I didn’t want to resort to elastic pants anymore than my 12-year old did.

Shortly after we moved to Virginia, my sister-in-law sent my children some fabric-painted sweatshirts.  Fabric paint! 

I was hooked.  I practiced on sheets and old t-shirts until I mastered the techniques, then produced a multitude of sweatshirts for family and friends, and even sold some on a small scale (these pictures are so old!)

When we moved to Florida, I enrolled in a quilting class.

I LOVE quilts and have always been amazed at their artistry.  I became obsessed.

Our guest room became my craft room, where fabric scraps flew and thread littered the floor.  I was a like a kid with new toys – the rotary cutter, the "self-healing" mat, and the crooked safety pins that help with pinning layers together.

I made a quilt for every room in the house.  I made one for each of my three children.  Then I made some for friends, my parents, and other relatives.  Pretty soon, I just had extras lying around, draped over furniture and stacked up on beds. 

One day my husband said to me,  “How many quilts do we NEED in Florida?” 

Apparently we need seven, because that's what we ended up with. 

When I went back to school, I enrolled in a required art class.  Immediately, my love affair with quilting was over.   

Pottery was my new obsession!   I fell in LOVE with clay!  I made a pinch pot and a slab piece and a beach-themed bas relief...  


I spun lopsided bowls and fashioned a looks-like-I-made-it-in-kindergarten gingerbread house. 


I made a vase that leaks, and a rooster pitcher that weighs five pounds.  It's too heavy to lift empty, let alone filled with fluid.   

I made a little S'mores man. 

It was such fun.  I kept thinking about God, designing palm trees and watermelon and octopi.  I took three semesters of pottery and almost changed my major to art.

Then I learned that would set me back a year, so I hung up my art apron and took the diploma.

Intermittently, I’ve done scrap booking.

The first book I made was for my daughter, who was leaving for college.  I spent HOURS on the detail – the patterned paper, the decorative scissors, the stickers, the tags.  The dining room table was a mess for six months.  

I then made a book for each of my sons, then one for my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary.  My most elaborate album was for my son and his bride last year.

I overstuffed all of them so the covers don’t even lay flat.

I don't recommend doing that. 

With the scrap booking trend waning, crafts stores are minimizing their scrap book supplies, and I’ve transitioned to computer graphics.  The days of snipping and gluing over.

My latest hobby is writing limericks.

My husband's happy that this endeavor doesn't cost anything.  It's clear I've spent entirely too much in the past making a surplus of blankets and earthenware.

Looking back at the "stuff" I've created (I didn't even mention the clay earring phase, the bead work bracelet phase, or the gardening phase - yellow squash everywhere) and the supplies I've amassed...I think there's a loon living in my head that escapes now and then.

She's friendly, but easily excitable. 

I think I'll name her Runnah Muk.



Happy birthday to Sherry!
who on Halloween is quite scary
She carries a pot
with a shrunken head -  WHAT?!

She's loveable though - don't be wary

Sherry's achievements - immense!
Pan Am, Health First, First Defense
She can draw your blood      
while eyeing a stud
You won't even feel it or wince          

She's also trained in massage
for money, a hug, a corsage
She nurtures and heals,
much better you'll feel
You'll offer to clean her garage                 

Sherry so LOVES to dance    
much more than potting plants
She's a FUN party girl,
she'll you give a whirl
She'll never stop, not a chance

Sherry is the BEST of friends             
She shares her heart, and her pens
She's genuine and true,
happy or blue
With her on your side, you will win

I'm so glad I know Sherry P.
She's God's awesome gift to me
We laugh and we pray,
we go day by day...
until in heaven we'll be.

The End.  



Thirty-five years ago
I married my high school beau
It's been a wild ride,
We've laughed and we've cried,
we've never been rolling in dough

Thirty-five years of "I do"
Sometimes we didn't - but knew
our vow was our path
It's spiritual math...
God makes one out of two

The Air Force flew us around
Eight times, a new home we found
Germany - nice
Italy - twice
We settled on Florida's ground

In Maryland, Jeremy came
In Michigan - Sara Jane
Idaho's crop - Zach's 10-pound drop
(my bladder has not been the same)

The nest is now empty we see
We're back to just Bob and me
We snooze, and we creak,
sometimes we leak
We love "buy one, get one free."


With crackly joints, and some grays
it's whole wheat and fish oil these days
We started a spark
that bloomed our Ballpark
For all this, we give thanks and praise. 

The End.